An integral part of analyzing commercial real estate is understanding the Rent Roll or Unit Mix of a property. Please click on the Rent Roll or Unit Mix headers below to view instructions on how to use these portions of the models.
Rent Roll
Rent Roll
For the Commercial Investment Model and the Mixed Use Model, you can use the Rent Roll to make a table of your tenants, their square footage, status, dates, rent and rent steps. This data is used throughout the model to project the primary income from the property.
How to Enter a Tenant’s Data into the Rent Roll
- Enter data into the orange input cells. The blue italcized cells will automatically calculate based on the data you enter.
- The Status, Lease Begin and Lease End columns are used in the Rent Roll Summary and the Leasing Costs Calculator to project future Tenant Improvements and Leasing Commissions.
- By entering the Annual $/PSF value (Column “J”), the monthly rental rate and annual rent will automatically calculate.
Add a New Tenant
To add a new tenant to the rent roll, simply begin typing on the next line. If the Suite number is different than the Suite above it, the system will automatically recognize it as a new tenant. If the Suite number matches the entry above it, the system will recognize the entry as a continuation of the same lease.
Rent Steps
The new rent roll can accommodate rent steps for any tenant. In order to add a new rent step, simply start a new line under that with the step dates and lease rate. The system will recognize a continuation of a tenant’s lease based on the Suite number. If a date between lease steps is entered incorrectly, the system will shade the cell red to alert you.
Change to Print View
- Use the dropdown menu in the top right corner to alternate to Print View.
Unit Mix
Unit Mix
For the Multifamily, Student Housing and Self-Storage models, you can use the Unit Mix to make a table of each unit sizes and monthly rates. This data is used throughout the model to project the primary income from the property.
- Unit Type is an identifying symbol for each type of unit (e.g.; A, B, 101, 102)
- Number of Units – the physical number of units for each type (Unit Type A has 10 units)
- Unit SF – the individual square-footage for each unit type (Unit Type A are 675 Square Feet)
- To insert a new row use either method described below:
- Right-click on the Total Line (last line); select Insert, select Row Above.
- While selecting the row for the last unit type entered, press the Tab button until a new row is formed.
You can easily switch between the Input View and Print view anytime by using the dropdown menu on each tab. In Input View, all of the input cells will be highlighted orange.
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