Do I need to install software?
As long as you have Mircosoft Excel installed you will not need to install any additional software. However, these models are proprietary and are licensed to your individual computer. When you open a file from Real Property Metrics, Inc., you will need to enable macros for the file to work properly.
After the trial period or subscription expires the models and all files created will become locked until a new subscription is purchased.
What are the system requirements?
Requires Microsoft Excel 2013 – 2016 running on Windows 7 or later or Microsoft Excel 2016 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 (Leopard) or later. Does not work with Microsoft Excel Mobile as this version does not support VBA.
Will this software work on a Mac?

Our software is designed on Microsoft Excel running on Windows. While we do not actively test our software on a Mac it should work as intended in Microsoft Excel 2011 and newer. Please note that the software will not work on Microsoft Excel 2008 for Mac as it does not support VBA.
Will this software work on iOS/Android?

Our software is designed on Microsoft Excel running on Windows or a Mac. Because we use macros to enable our models to do some significant calculations, they will not be able to run on any of the mobile versions of Excel that do not support VBA. These include iOS, Android, and Windows RT.
Some of the cells have Please Register message.
If you are seeing the “Please Register” message on the Cash Flows tab, it can mean a couple of things.
- You need to enable Macros on your workbook.
- Your subscription/trial period has expired. Please purchase another license here.
Can I email the Excel files to my colleagues?
Yes! Feel free to email the Excel files to your friends or colleagues. The files will work on their PC or Mac and will start their complementary 7-day trial period on their machine.
How do I try it?
It’s easy! Enjoy a free 7-day trial here!