Through the use of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) we utilize many custom-built proprietary functions in our models that allow us to simplify complex calculations. Each of these functions are identifiable by the RPM header. You can find details of these functions here for reference and use instructions.
Cash Flow Functions
- =RPMGrow (Inflation Override, Prior Value, Annual Inflation Rate) – applies an annual growth rate to a value.
- =RPMCapExReserve (Period, Beginning Balance) – calculates CapEx Reserves on the Commercial and Mixed-Use models.
- =RPMLeasingReserve (Period, Beginning Balance) – calculates TI/LC Reserves on the Commercial and Mixed-Use models.
Loan Amortization Functions
- =RPMLoanType (Month) – calculates the type of loan (I/O or Amortizing) based on the month.
- =RPMInterestRate (Month) – calculates the interest rate based on the month.
- =RPMBeginningBalance (Month, Loan Type, Prior Ending Balance) – calculates appropriate beginning balance based on the month and loan type.
- =RPMTotalPayment (Month, Loan Type, Rate, Beginning Balance) – calculates the appropriate payment based on the loan type and month.
- =RPMCanadian (Loan Type, Rate) – Used to determine both American or Canadian interest payment.
- =RPMAnnualRate (Year, Loan Type, Beginning Balance, Total Payments, Ending Balance) – calculates the aggregate annual rate for the Annual table.
- =RPMAnnualLoanType (Year) – calculates the loan type based on the year.
Miscellaneous Functions
- =RPMDateSpan (Period, Type) – displays the date span based on the period. Type is either:
- M/YY – M/YY
- MMM YYYY Begin Month Only
- MMM YYYY End Month Only